About Breeze Computers

Breeze Computers is based on Maui, Hawaii. The business was developed early 2006 and has been growing since. We focus on local computer repair. At Breeze Computers we find solutions for Mac problems as well as PC problems. We offer IT services to residential and business clients.

Who Are We?

Oliver Rahm - Breeze ComputersOliver Rahm is the main operator of Breeze Computers. Oliver holds a BS degree in computer science from San Diego State University and has been working in the IT field since 2001. Oliver has a network of partners to reach out to for larger projects or when he is busy with another client.

Why Breeze Computers?

Have you ever heard somebody say: …it works like a breeze! “It” refers to your computer, your website or your wireless network after it’s been serviced by us. We get inspired by the fresh breezes from the Pacific to come up with solutions.

Breeze Computers is at the cutting edge of green technology and power.

Since April 2012 our office is fully powered by solar. We are proud to do site visits or deliver equipment driving our all electric Nissan Leaf which is charged by PV array. Here is historical as well as live information of our 6 KW solar PV system here in Paia HI.